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Servomex attains coveted gold standard for sustainability

Servomex is proud to have been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Rating in 2022 and 2023 for its business sustainability practices.

EcoVadis is a leading assessment platform for supplier sustainability ratings, providing insight into a supplier’s Corporate Social Responsibility performance.

Among the strengths identified for Servomex were its environmental emergency measures, specialized treatment and safe disposal of hazardous substances, and progression towards Sustainable Development Goals.

Glass globe resting on the earth
Sustainability at Servomex

A commitment to sustainability, across our organization

Servomex has embarked on an ambitious and exciting sustainability program with a commitment to reach net zero carbon across our organisations by 2030 and across our value chain by 2040– part of a coordinated activity across the Spectris group.

Our focus is not just on reducing emissions, but on introducing a sustainable approach to our people and operations. This commitment is supported at the corporate level, ensuring our actions have the full weight of the Spectris leadership team behind them. Find out more about sustainability at Spectris.

We partner with leading expert organizations such as EcoAct and EcoVadis to validate the effectiveness and veracity of the activities within our sustainability program and our Net Zero targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

We are also aligned with SBTi’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign, a global coalition which aims to help halve global emissions by 2030 to keep the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Grass and bush with C02 written on it against blue sky

Reducing our impact on the environment

As a responsible business, Servomex recognizes its role in tackling environmental degradation and climate change. We do this in two ways: first, through providing products and services that reduce the environmental impact of our customers, and secondly, through the active management and mitigation of the environmental impact of our own operations.

As part of a Spectris Group-wide process we have undertaken a climate risk assessment scenario analysis as required by the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) to understand the risks and opportunities present in our business related to climate change.

We have also published a credible net zero target approved by the Science Based Targets (SBTI), which commits us to reaching net zero for Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions and abating 42% of our Scope 3 emissions by 2030. We aim to have abated all possible emissions across our value chain, and balanced remaining emissions to reach net zero, by 2040.

In 2020 our operations have obtained a B rating from the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Colour Wheel on Grass

Ensuring more sustainable business operations

Servomex is committed to supporting the values and sustainable goals of all stakeholders through its own operational activity. To this end, we are developing a common set of tools to categorize our products and understand the sustainability of our market position.

Working with the consultants Finch and Beak, we carried out a successful pilot scheme to determine how we can assess and improve the sustainability of our products. This will be rolled out across our entire product range.

In 2021 we have begun work with EcoVadis to review our supply chain assurance processes to ensure that all our suppliers align with our values on human rights, labour laws, and supply chain management.

Child Scientist wearing goggles

Taking care of our people

Servomex aims to be the employer of choice for our people and for our future personnel, by providing long-term, sustainable and rewarding careers in a safe and inclusive working environment.

Key to this is our ongoing Wellbeing program, which supports the physical and mental welfare of our staff with a long-term culture of healthy high performance.

Servomex also operates a culture of recognition and appreciation of its people’s talents and achievements, and has opened communication channels to build further employee engagement.

We support Spectris’ campaign to increase science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activity globally, recognizing that this is key to success and industrial prosperity in all the countries we work in.

These efforts are backed by the Spectris Foundation, which champions those with a passion for technology, aiming to improve their access to a quality STEM education, and helping them to enable a cleaner, healthier, and more productive world.

Key personnel

Mike heads up Servomex’s sustainability program and coordinates with his Spectris counterparts to drive a consistent approach across the company. This includes ensuring that sustainability is ‘built-in’ to all new products we develop.

Mike Proctor, Sustainability & Strategic Projects, Director

Stephen is responsible for managing the lifecycle of new Servomex Products, specifically, the introduction of new technologies into Servomex Analyzers. As STEM Team Leader he also coordinates the internal and external STEM program.

Stephen Firth, Product Manager - Strategic Projects

Paul is responsible for managing and supporting the Servomex/Spectris Sustainability Program, driving traction and engagement across the organisation.

Paul Gaterell, Global Sustainability Manager

Julie looks after the Servomex Wellbeing program, which promotes mental health, diversity and inclusion and employee engagement.

Julie Burridge, Servomex Health and Wellbeing Manager

Rebecca is responsible for Spectris’s governance, social, remuneration, and environmental strategy.

Rebecca Dunn, Head of Corporate Affairs, Spectris

Hugo has spent a career leading work to introduce new technology products and is now leading the Spectris Group STEM strategy to engage the talent that we need to grow the businesses in our group, serving our customers and develop new solutions.

Hugo Maule, Group Head of STEM Strategy, Spectris

Servomex Magazines

Building a sustainable future

Learn more on how we are working towards carbon net-zero operations in issue 39 of our expert solutions (ES) magazine that looks at our commitment to sustainability.
We look at how we empower change in global industries, helping to create a better world and support a greener, more sustainable future.
It also highlights our support for customers looking to work in a more sustainable way, with gas analysis solutions for clean air strategies, carbon capture, and other decarbonization processes.

ES 杂志第 37 期清洁空气第 2 部分

An expert look at our gas analysis solutions for clean air strategies and carbon capture technologies.

ES 杂志第 37 期清洁空气第 2 部分

An expert look at our gas analysis solutions for clean air strategies and carbon capture technologies.


SERVOTOUGH SpectraExact 2500F 产品手册

Find out about our adaptable Photometric process monitoring analyzer

SERVOTOUGH SpectraExact 2500F 产品手册

Find out about our adaptable Photometric process monitoring analyzer


SERVOTOUGH SpectraExact 2500 产品手册


SERVOTOUGH SpectraExact 2500 产品手册



SERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Environmental 产品手册

Download the SERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Environmental Brochure to find out more about this product.

SERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Environmental 产品手册

Download the SERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Environmental Brochure to find out more about this product.


Our strategy has three pillars

planet icon


Net zero
Green teams


Sustainable products
Sustainable markets
Health and safety
Supply chain

people icon


Mental health and wellbeing
Diversity and inclusion

Living our values

Beyond the targets we have set, and which are validated by independent third-party organizations, Servomex will continue to prioritize the development of products and services that support customers on their own decarbonization journey, as part of our wider purpose to make the world cleaner, healthier, and more productive.

© Copyright 2025 - Servomex is a Spectris company.