Identify discontinued & obsolete Servomex gas analysers and their alternative products

To secure a constant, accurate, and effective communication, the Servomex team has created a summary view of Servomex products’ lifecycle status, with focus on those products that have been discontinued / obsoleted.

Please refer to the definitions below to ease the understanding of the list below. The lifecycle of any Servomex products is defined by 4 distinct phases:

ACTIVE PRODUCT – The product is available for sales, and fully supported in terms of parts and services. The product is subject to development to reflect customer needs.

DISCONTINUED – The product is not available for sales, parts and services are still commonly available, although not guaranteed.

OBSOLETE – The product is not supported anymore; services and parts are no longer available.

Below you will find a list of our discontinued & obsolete products, learn whether spares are still available for them and discover the applicable alternative products you can speak to our expert team about.

* These are the last known published manuals and are no longer maintained because the analyzers have been discontinued/obsoleted. The manuals are provided for reference purposes only and they may not be applicable to the specific analyzer installed. Users of these manuals should refer to their usual Servomex contact in case of any questions and for further information.

Product name Manual Service and Spares Parts available? Replaced by
AquaXact ControllerNot availableNoConsult Servomex
AquaXact 1688Not availableNoConsult Servomex
SERVOPRO HFIDSERVOPRO HFID Quick Start GuideSERVOPRO HFID Operators ManualYES (until July 2031)Not available
SERVOTOUGH SpectraScan 2400Spectrascan 2400 user manualLimitedNot available
SERVOFLEX MiniFoodPack 5200SERVOFLEX MiniFoodPack 5200 Operator ManualYesNot available
GAS DETECTION OxyDetectSERVOMEX OxyDetect操作手册Yes (Until 2029)Not available
SERVOTOUGH Oxy 1800SERVOTOUGH Oxy 1800 Quick Start ManualYes (Until 2029)Not available
700 series / Flue Gas Analyzer700B Oxygen Analyzer Instruction Manual700Ex Oxygen Analyzer Instruction ManualNoSERVOTOUGH FluegasExact 2700
OA590 series / Industrial Oxygen Analyzer Not availableNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
OA540 series / Industrial Oxygen Analyzer Not availableNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
05522 / SERVOPRO MonoExactSERVOPRO MonoExact ManualLimited (until 2026)Not available
05512 / SERVOPRO MonoExactSERVOPRO MonoExact ManualLimited (until 2026) Not available
05411 / SERVOPRO MultiExact 5400MultiExact 5400 Operator ManualLimited (until 2027) MultiExact 4100
05410 / SERVOPRO MultiExact 5400MultiExact 5400 Operator ManualYesMultiExact 4100
04900 / SERVOPRO 49004900 Continuous Emissions Analyzer Installation and Operation ManualYes (until 2027) SERVOPRO 4900 Multigas
04414 / SERVOPRO Chroma Semi Grade H2 AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO NanoChrome
04413 / SERVOPRO Chroma Semi Grade He AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO NanoChrome
04412 / SERVOPRO Chroma Semi Grade N2 AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO NanoChrome
04411 / SERVOPRO Chroma Semi Grade Ar AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO NanoChrome
04406 / SERVOPRO Chroma O2 (Semi Grade) AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO NanoChrome
K4000 / Trace Gas AnalyzerChroma Trace User ManualNoSERVOPRO Chroma
04210 / ServoPro 42004000 Series Installation ManualYes (until 2027) SERVOPRO MultiExact 4200
04200 / ServoPro 42004000 Series Installation ManualYes (until 2027) SERVOPRO MultiExact 4200
04100 / SERVOPRO 41004000 Series Installation ManualYes (until 2027)MultiExact 4100
SERVOPRO NOxSERVOPRO NOx Quick Start GuideSERVOPRO NOx Operators ManualYES (until July 2031)Not available
K2002 / SERVOPRO PlasmaExact N2 Analyzer PlasmaExact N2 Analyzer Operator ManualYes
K2001 / SERVOPRO Plasma Trace N2 Analyzer PlasmaExact N2 Analyzer Operator ManualYes
K1000FID Operator ManualYes SERVOPRO FID
07930A / SERVOTOUGH Laser SPIILaserSPII mini ManualNoSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus ProcessSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus EnvironmentalSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Combustion
05311A / OxyDetectOxyDetect Gas Analyzer ManualNoNot available
02950A / SERVOTOUGH Laser ExactLaserExact (Model 2950) ManualVery limited only - consult ServomexNot available
02940A / SERVOTOUGH Laser CompactLaserCompact (Model 2940) ManualVery limited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus ProcessSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus EnvironmentalSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Combustion
02930B / SERVOTOUGH LaserSPLaser SP (Model 2930) ManualVery limited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus ProcessSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus EnvironmentalSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Combustion
02930A / SERVOTOUGH LaserLaser SP (Model 2930) ManualVery limited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus ProcessSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus EnvironmentalSERVOTOUGH Laser 3 Plus Combustion
02700A series / SERVOTOUGH Fluegas Not availableLimited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH FluegasExact 2700
02700B series / SERVOTOUGH Fluegas 2700 Combusion Gas ManualFluegas (2700) Combustion ManualLimited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH FluegasExact 2700
02700C series / SERVOTOUGH Fluegas Fluegas (2700) Manual02700 Combustion Manual Limited only - consult ServomexSERVOTOUGH FluegasExact 2700
01910A / Servotough digital Oxygen analyzer01910A / Servotough digital Oxygen ManualNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
01902A / Xendos oxygen analyzer – hazardous area 01902A / Xendos Oxygen ManualNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
01900B / SERVOTOUGH 1900 Oxygen Analyzer01900B / SERVOTOUGH 1900 Oxygen ManualNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
01900A / Xendos oxygen analyzer – hazardous area 01900A / Xendos Oxygen ManualNoSERVOTOUGH Oxy 1900
01800MV – Marine Variant1800MV Marine Oxygen Analyser ManualNoNot available
01800A / Xendos oxygen analyzer – safe area 01800A / Xendos Oxygen ManualNoNot available
01440C / SERVOPRO 1440 Gas Analzser01440C / SERVOPRO 1440 Gas ManualYes (until 2029)SERVOPRO 4900 MultigasSERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
01100 series / 1100 Oxygen Analyzer01100 series / 1100 Oxygen ManualNoSERVOTOUGH OxyExact 2200
DF560 (S/N lower than PT-15800)DF-550 Operator ManualNoSERVOPRO DF-560E NanoTrace II
DF550 (S/N lower than PT-15800)DF-550 Operator ManualNoDF-550E
DF550 (original Nanotrace)DF550 (original Nanotrace) ManualNoDF-550E
DF310E SeriesDF310E Series ManualYes (until 2025)SERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
DF310 SeriesDF310 Series ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
DF350Not availableNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
Series 500 room Safety MonitorSeries 500 room Safety Monitor ManualNoNot Available
Series 100Series 100 ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
XR7 Standard or Type A electronics in Nema 7 boxXR7 ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150E
DF100E SeriesDF110E ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150E
DF100 SeriesDF100 Series ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150E
A-Plus AnalyzerA-Plus Analyzer ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150E
Platinum Oxygen AnalyzerPlatinum Oxygen Analyzer ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150ESERVOPRO MonoExact DF310E
Type "A" AnalyzerType "A" Analyzer ManualNoSERVOPRO MonoExact DF150E

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